Shows an icon of arena1-arena5's class when they're targeting a party pet. Has settings for only tracking player pet, hide/display name, and using pet or pet owners name.
The names above the icons are the party pet's owner name or pet name (depending on settings selected in Custom Options) and is the class color of the pet owner. You can show/hide this name in settings as well (I hide if I'm not showing party's pets personally)
The Default Setup: Track all parties pets, Show pets name above icon (instead of pet owners name)
When making changes to custom options, make sure to select the parent group "Arena Enemies Targeting Party Pets" to apply to all arena1-5 auras
The 5 arena target icons currently grow to the left and start on the right. To alter this, adjust the "Grow" settings in the "Group" tab of "Arena Enemies Targeting Party Pets"
If you want to test the weakaura you can enable the focus aura ("focus targeting party pets - for testing") by untoggling "Never" off in the "Load" tab so it becomes enabled. Then just set the focus to yourself and target a party pet.