[Arena] Ultimate Party Automarker

[Arena] Ultimate Party Automarker


UAPM is the most advanced auto-marker for Arena. Made by Konjunktur-Firemaw (ManneN).

UAPM is fully deterministic and offers full customizability as to which marks to prioritize for which classes, and whether to use special marks for healers and pets and even whether temporary pets should also be marked.

UAPM works even if multiple people in your party/raid who can mark are using UAPM at the same time, and will communicate between users of the WA in your party to make sure only one of you does the marking.

UPAM uses the following internal priority for marking units:

1. Healers (if configured to use at all)

2. Players

3. Pets (if configured to use at all)

4. Temporary Pets (if configured to use at all)

Units of the same category (see above) are sorted by:

1. ClassID (Warrior = 1, Paladin = 2 etc, not relevant for pets)

2. Creature Type (Humanoid, Beast etc, only relevant for pets)

3. Name-Realm

4. UnitGUID

This ensures you will get perfect determinism and no randomness related to which unit gets which mark, unless you start naming your characters/pets the same thing - and even in those cases you will still have no randomness in marks during your sessions (only between sessions as UnitGUID may change upon resummons/relogs).

All options for configurability are found in the "Custom Options" tab.

Velinias "Arena Party Automarker" was used as a starting point for this (although it has been practically completely rewritten).

Note: UAPM may as well be a standalone AddOn, but since most people already have WA and most people don't want to download separate AddOns for "small" tasks like this, UAPM has been written as WA.

Note: I have moved all my WAs/Platers to this account ("ManneN1").