Arms Warrior Short Burst Buffs

Arms Warrior Short Burst Buffs


HUD style timers to show overlap of helpful procs.

This includes buffs from Executioner, Overpower, as well as Sophic Devotion enchant proc (for mastery buff).

There is another inner ring that enables when "Hurricane" is chosen, and it is at max stacks.

When all buffs above are all triggered… AND Mortal Strike has a charge available, it shows a target ring for some flair. The WA also plays a sound when all conditions trigger.

*Note* - In the base import, Hurricane is not included in the "Target" part of the aura conditions since it is a not as often picked talent. If you want to only show "Target Acquired" when at max Hurricane stacks as well, you can set the Condition to activate when Trigger5 = True