I tried to recreate the cataclysm's proc textures, it shows art of war and infusion of light. In order for it to work you have to follow these 3 simple steps.
In order for it to properly function you just have to do a few things before:
Step 1: Go to CurseForge (app or website is fine) and download the ProcTextures extension: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/proctextures
Step 2: Import the WeakAura
Step 3: Enjoy your textures :D
Step 1: Download this zip-file with the textures:
Step 2: Copy over the folder from the zip-file into your addons folder
Step 3: And you're done! Just import the WeakAura and everything should as it should
Check also out my warrior proc textures! They support such procs as Sudden Death, Sword and Board and also Bloodsurge