⚠️ This is very early stage, use only if you somewhat understand what is going on inside of this WA in case stuff goes wrong. This is kinda opinionated for now with little customization.
⚠️ The timers depend on DBM and DBM PvP Addon (and probably the game also being in english for now as its just string matches lmao) and nothing will work without these addons also installed. I am looking into the wow api function for battlefield info but the wow api is really shite in terms of docs so ugh
What it does
- Announce timers automatically in battleground chat for the four horde bunkers (SHB, IWB, DBS, DBN)
- 4 mn left
- 3 mn left
- 2 mn left
- 60 sec left
- 30 sec left
- 10 sec left
- Announce in battleground chat what the boss hp is every time a new bunker is fully capped.
- Give some tips in the battleground chat to the team as to what to do when
- When the first bunker is about to be capped (30 sec left) tells the team to start moving north
- When the second bunker is about to be capped (30 sec left) tells the team to prepare for boss
- Announce in the battleground chat when a bunker is retaken by the Alliance with how much time was left on the capping timer.
As said in the warnings above, this is just something I initially made for myself when spamming AV to try and get more honor per hour overall lol. So like the code is garbage right now, nothing is probably done the right way in terms of WeakAura doing stuff (I have no clue about WeakAuras and lua tbh), its repeated all over the place, stuff can and will go wrong, so be ready to disable it mid game and such lol. Also theres no kind of syncing between people who have the WA so if multiple people end up running it some will have to manually disable it gl.
I might work a bit more on it if I get the energy and time but for now it is what it is.