DEPRECATED: No longer works in WOTLK due to changes to how ghetto hearthing works. You'll be immediately ported to the nearest graveyard.
Automatically triggers a ghetto hearth when entering Stockades or Ragefire Chasm. NO REQUIREMENT FOR INVITING AN ACTUAL PLAYER!
How it works: When you attempt to invite a character that doesn't exist, you create a party for a few seconds. If you can leave before the party automatically disbands then you can trigger a ghetto hearth.
Note: Sometimes fails due to instance load times and party disband time. You'll know if it failed if around 10 seconds has passed and the Blizzard standard "Teleporting" message doesn't show up. If this happens, try using this macro:
/run InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() LeaveParty() end)