Auto Swap Soulbind

Auto Swap Soulbind


When changing covenants the game will change your soulbind to be the 1st one (Pelagos, Marileth, Niya, or Nadjia) even if the last time you were that covenant you had a different one.


1. Auto activate a soulbind when covenant swapping.
Select the weak aura, click on the Custom Options tab, and edit to your liking.

2. Equip a set of gear when covenant swapping.
(To make a set open your character page (press C), go to Equipment Manager tab and click on New Set)

3. Supress the "Deepening bond" message spam when you swap covenants.

4. Auto select the covenant dialog options and confirm when interacting with a covenant npc.


1. Spec/Class specific
Select the weak aura, go to Load -> and select your spec in "Class and Specialization".
If you wish to have different settings per spec, duplicate the weak aura and set the class and specialization load option.

2. Non-active specs' soulbinds can't be automatically changed when covenant swapping
This means that the auto activating a soulbind will only work on your current spec. If you swap covenants and then change specs you may have the wrong soulbind selected (the game resets it to the first one)

3. Auto dialog and supressing "Deepening Bond" spam options probably won't work in other languages than English.
If this is the case, to fix this go to Trigger -> Trigger2 -> Expand and change the covenant names to your language. Then go to Actions -> Expand -> Change "Deepening Bond" to your language.