


This aura helps you rapidly purchase very low bid items on the auction house. Requires TradeSkillMaster and a companion macro to work (see instructions below).


  • Configurable bid amount based on TSM formulas.
  • Automatically bids on selected item on macro click. Note: this is off by default. Enable it in Custom Options
  • Automatically moves onto the next auction after bidding.
  • Automatically move to the next page when you reach the bottom.
  • Blacklist support
  • Time left threshold
  • Specify a max bid amount as a protection against inflated bids

To use this weak aura:

  1. Create a new macro and drag it to your action bars:

    /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BIDAURA_BID")

  2. Open the default auction house UI. Perform a search and sort by "current bid".

  3. Select the first item and click the macro. It will automatically set the bid amount to 20% market value and move onto the next item.

If you would like to use different TSM formulas, you can create multiple macros and include the formula as the second argument:

/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BIDAURA_BID", "90% dbmarket")