Badger's Bitchin Boss Bars (for Anduin)

Badger's Bitchin Boss Bars (for Anduin)


A boss mechanic pack for N/H Anduin!


  • (Tank only) Tracks Dark Zeal tank swap. Whoever goes down first should listen to the first taunt and other tank should ignore - this will reset Anduin's Dark Zeal stacks for the tank remaining above. After this first round, the taunt notification will only show for the tank about to go down, to clear the stacks. Repeat this for phase 2.

  • (Tank only) Tracks Soul Reaper tank swap in intermission phase

  • (Heroic) Shows timer for when the additional add starts casting Necrotic Detonation, showing how much time you have left to kill the add

  • Shows timer while in Soul Realm

  • Shows your Blasphemy color + timer and can be configured to say something specific to your color when you are affected with blasphemy. (See below)

Configuring the message could be useful if people in your raid group use both bigwigs and dbm and there is inconsistency with what these addons say in chat when affected by Blasphemy. If you configure a message in this weakaura, be sure to have your raid group disable the /say in their bigwigs and dbm for Blasphemy.

To configure chat messages for Blasphemy in the weakaura: expand the weakaura group > select "BBBB_AW_Blasphemy Color" > Click "Conditions" tab > Open "Condition 2" and "Condition 4" > Type whatever you want in the message, raid markers will work too, ex "{rt3}".

For the audio cues to work, please install the following addon:

Check out my other WeakAuras!