A lightweight pack for Painsmith!
Countdown to spiked balls
If you are in LFR/N/H difficulty, the center ball will glow, if you are in M difficulty, it will glow BOTH the outside balls
Shows if you have chains + duration
Shows if you have trap + time you have to place them
Shows trap debuff timer so trap breaker can know when the debuff falls off, to break the next trap
(Mythic) Shows how long you have to kill adds before they wipe you
Includes the following WeakAuras:
Painsmith Halcyon Glow Nameplate of Spiked Ball: https://wago.io/At2-Xb-VG
Painsmith Raznal - Trap Debuff: https://wago.io/BMgM7jASR
For the audio cues to work, please install the following addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sharedmedia_causese
Check out my other WeakAuras! https://wago.io/p/ThatBadger