Dynamic Naxxramas WA pack.
Use Group Scale to re-scale the icons to your liking.
- Noth: Blink timer, glows when it's on window.
- Loatheb: Spore groups (currently set to 6 spore groups, can be adjusted in custom options).
- Grobbulus: Slime Spray timer, glows when it's on window.
- Gluth: Terrifying Roar timer, glows when it's on window.
- Sapphiron: Ice block counter & Ice bomb timer.
- Kel'Thuzad: Frost Blast timer, glows when it's on window.
- Kel'Thuzad: Frost Volley timer, glows when it's on window.
- Kel'Thuzad: Chains timer, glows when it's on window.
Includes the following;
Spider Wing
- Anub'Rekhan: Impale, shows when it's being casted.
- Anub'Rekhan: Locust Swarm, shows the duration of the phase.
- Maexxna: Web Spray, stun duration.
- Maexxna: Enrage, shows when Maexxna is in enrage mode.
Abom Wing
- Patchwerk: Enrage, shows when Patchwerk is in enrage mode.
- Grobbulus: Mutating Injection, duration.
- Grobbulus: Slime Spray timer, glows when it's on window.
- Gluth: Frenzy, shows when Frenzy is active.
- Gluth: Terrifying Roar timer, glows when it's on window.
- Thaddius adds: War Stomp, displays when Stalagg & Feugen is about to cast War Stomp.
- Thaddius adds: Magnetic Pull, displays when Stalagg & Feugen is about to cast Magnetic Pull.
- Thaddius: polarity shift, displays a timer for when the Polarity will be activated.
- Thaddius: Polarity (Positive & Negative) duration & stacks.
Plague Wing
- Noth: Blink timer, glows when it's on window.
- Noth: Curse of the Plaguebringer, debuff duration.
- Noth: Cripple, debuff duration.
- Heigan: Eruption Timer, speeds up during dance phase.
- Heigan: Decrepit Fever, debuff duration.
- Loatheb: Corrupted Mind, debuff duration
- Loatheb: Inevitable Doom, debuff duration.
- Loatheb: Spore groups (currently set to 6 spore groups, can be adjusted to whatever you want in settings)
- Loatheb: Spore, debuff duration.
Military Wing
- Razuvious: Disrupting Shout timer
- Four Horsemen: Mark duration & stacks, glows when being over 3 stacks.
- Four Horsemen: Shield Wall duration.
Frostwyrm Wing
- Sapphiron: Blizzard, pops up when standing on blizzard.
- Sapphiron: Life drain, debuff duration.
- Sapphiron: Iceblock, counter and a timer for when the ice bomb will hit the floor.
- Kel'Thuzad: Phase Two, shows the correct timer for when KT is attackable.
- Kel'Thuzad: Phase Three, pops up when it's phase three.
- Kel'Thuzad: Frost Bolt, will glow when channeled & display interrupt groups.
- Kel'Thuzad: Detonate Mana, debuff duration.
- Kel'Thuzad: Frost Blast timer, glows when it's on window.
- Kel'Thuzad: Frost Volley timer, glows when it's on window.
- Kel'Thuzad: Chains timer, glows when it's on window.
Abom Wing
- Stitched Spewer: Slime Shot & Knockback, triggers when you get with by both.
- Living Monstrosity: Lightning Totem, shows when it's active.
Spider Wing
- Necro Stalker: Poison Charge duration.
- Dread Creeper: Veil of Shadow duration.
Plague Wing
- Plagued & Stoneskin Gargoyle: Acid Volley, duration & stacks.
- Plague Slime: color debuff.
Military Wing
- Death Knight Cavalier & Death Lord: Aura of Agony, duration & stacks.
- Shade & Spirit of Naxxramas: Portal of Shadows, shows when it's being summoned/is active.
- Deathknight Captain: Whirlwind, shows when a Captain is spinning and the duration of it.