This is a BETA release. Read below why.
This is a WeakAura that is supposed to help you with completing the Balance of Power quest chain to unlock the Legion Artifact appereance.
I got the idea to make this from "BalanceOfPower - Check Quest Progress" by zybaki ( ).
So please do me a favor and check out his WeakAura first and see if that is enough for your purpose.
At the moment this WA shows a giant list of all the necessary quests you have to do to finish Balance of Power.
- necessary quests of the Azsura storyline
- necessary Suramar storylines
- Balance of Power questchain incl. reputation requirement checks
The list always starts with the next quest you have to do no matter how far you have already progressed.
Why a BETA release?
I wanted to help people who might pick up working on this quest chain as soon as possible even though the WA still has some very rough edges.
When will BETA be lifted?
The BETA status will be removed once I have at least one of my alts throught the whole quest chain and made adjustments I discovered.
But even in BETA I will update the WA on here every time I make adjustments.
How long will it be maintained?
I will continue to improve it until I have all my 12 classes finished.
After that maintenance will only be done if someone reports a problem in the comments.
I don't see the WeakAura:
The list only loads int the zones of the Broken Isles incl. Dalaran and the Broken Shore for convenience.
Changes planned:
- code optimization
- custom options
- colors
- aditional information like tips & tricks for some quests
If you like the WeakAura please be so kind and give it a star ★
Check out my other WeakAuras.
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Any contribution is highly appreciated. ❤