Baranor's TBC Consumable Reminders

Baranor's TBC Consumable Reminders


A simple WeakAura that reminds you to use consumables. Best suited for Retribution paladins.

- Blessing of Might

- Haste Potion

- Flasks (Assault / Shattrath Assault)

- Battle elixirs (Demonslaying / Major Agility / Mongoose)

- Guardian elixirs (Major Mageblood)

- Buff food (20 strength)

- Scroll of Strength V / Scroll of Agility V

- Demonic / Dark Runes

An icon will be shown if you have the corresponding consumable in your inventory and are missing that buff or its buff has less than 5 minutes remaining.

The auras are smart, meaning they will ignore consumables that don't stack (won't remind you to use Major Agility if you have a flask on for example) and will only remind you to use a Dark Rune if it wouldn't cause you to waste mana by using it.