Battle of Dazar'alor - Burst heal timers

Battle of Dazar'alor - Burst heal timers


Timers for major aoe for Battle of Dazar'alor raid, with disc pre burst rotation, + Holy Word Salvation, Wild Growth & Chi-Burst pre-cast helper

Most timers are based on Bigwigs & DBM timers and will be improved over time.

Sometime damage on raid is defined by players actions and i tried to include whatever can help see it coming.

Keep in mind this is an early version of this aura, I did not do any PTR tests, it was made using adventure guide, youtube videos and WCL.

A lot of changes and improvements will come.

If you see something useless that should be removed, or something missing that would help you when raid is released, please leave a comment and i will do my best.


1. Install

2. Install

3. Leave a comment with as much details as you can, error log, boss, ability, difficulty level, faction, do you dbm or bw? etc..

See also:

You can contact me on Discord "Buds#0500"

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