This is a ret paladin weakaura. It is made for leveling and end game. As you level, portions of the WA will show up.
BRP_HolyPower_Bar (aurabar)
BRP_CasterBar_BG (texture)
BRP_Buff_Rune (icon)
BRP_Buff_Flask_Strength (icon)
BRP_Buff_BoK (icon)
BRP_Buff_BoW (icon)
BRP_InterruptNow (text)
BRP_CD_Healthstone (icon)
BRP_Status_Healthstone (icon)
BRP_CC_Incapcitate (icon)
BRP_Debuff_Forbearance (icon)
BRP_TargetDebuff_Judgment (aurabar)
BRP_Icon_Judgment (icon)
BRP_Buff_AvengingWrath (aurabar)
BRP_Icon_AvengingWrath (icon)
BRP_CD_Rebuke (icon)
BRP_CD_HandofHindrance (icon)
BRP_CD_HammerOfJustice (icon)
BRP_CD_Repentance (icon)
BRP_CD_Racial_Tauren (icon)
BRP_CD_BlessingofFreedom (icon)
BRP_CD_DivineShield (icon)
BRP_CD_BoP (icon)
BRP_CD_LayOnHands (icon)
BRP_CD_AvengingWrath (icon)
BRP_CD_ShieldofVengeance (icon)
BRP_CD_DivineSteed (icon)