beevme Holy Priest WeakAuras [String 1 of 3]

beevme Holy Priest WeakAuras [String 1 of 3]


Updated on October 28th, 2017 for 7.3. Please delete the old WeakAuras before updating it.

Important! Read: This WeakAuras is suppose to have 3 separate strings:

1. Priest – Holy

2. Priest – Holy Major Talents/CD:

3. Priest – Holy Minor Talents/CD:

Both Priest – Holy Major Talents/CD and Priest – Holy Minor Talents/CD are anchored to Priest – Holy. So, make sure to import all 3 strings for them to best work with each other. The first string (Priest – Holy) is here in the right sidebar of this page. The other 2 strings are in the links above.

■ Info:

Most of the WeakAuras will only load in combat. The WeakAuras that ends with the -p means the icon will glow (or proc), which act as a reminder to use the ability in case you forget.

Priest – Holy

- DivineHymn-r: Divine Hymn is ready to use.

- DivineHymn-cd: Divine Hymn is on cooldown.

- PrayerofMend-r: Prayer of Mending is ready to use.

- PrayerofMend-p: Prayer of Mending procs if friendly target’s health is below 100% and does not have player’s Prayer of Mending buff.

- PrayerofMend-b: Player’s Prayer of Mending buff is active on friendly target.

- PrayerofMend-cd: Prayer of Mending is on cooldown.

- HWordSer-r: Holy Word: Serenity is ready to use.

- HWordSer-p: Holy Word: Serenity procs if friendly target’s health is below 65%.

- HWordSer-cd: Holy Word: Serenity is on cooldown.

- HWordSanct-r: Holy Word: Sanctify is ready to use.

- HWordSanct-p: Holy Word: Sanctify procs if Holy Word: Serenity and Prayer of Mending is on cool down.

- HWordSanct-cd: Holy Word: Sanctify is on cooldown.

- GuardianSpirit-r: Guardian Spirit is ready to use.

- GuardianSpirit-cd: Guardian Spirit is on cooldown.

- ManaBar(HPriest): Mana Bar.

- Mana%(HPriest): Mana Percentage.

Priest – Holy Major Talents/CD

- SpiritRedemption-b: Spirit of Redemption buff is active on player.

- LightofT-p: Light of T’uure procs if friendly target’s health is below 100% and does not have player’s Light of T’uure buff.

- LightofT-b: Light of T’uure buff is active on friendly target.

- LightofT-cd: Light of T’uure is on cooldown if Light of T’uure is not usable and friendly target does have a Light of T’uure buff.

- Renew-p: Renew procs if friendly target's health is below 100% and does not have player's Renew buff.

- Renew-b: Player's Renew buff is active on friendly target.

- SurgeLight-p: Flash Heal procs if Surge of Light buff is active on player.

- PowerNaaru-p: Prayer of Healing procs if Power of the Naaru buff is active on player.

- Divinity-b: Divinity buff is active on player.

- DivineStar(Holy)-p: Divine Star procs if Prayer of Mending is on cooldown.

- DivineStar(Holy)-cd: Divine Star is on cooldown.

- Halo(Holy)-p: Halo procs if Prayer of Mending is on cooldown.

- Halo(Holy)-cd: Halo is on cooldown.

- Purify(Holy)-cd: Purify is on cooldown.

- CircleHealing-p: Circle of Healing if Holy Word: Sanctify is on cooldown.

- CircleHealing-cd: Circle of Healing is on cooldown.

- Apotheosis-p: Apotheosis procs if Divine Hymn and Prayer of Mending is on cooldown.

- Apotheosis-b: Apotheosis buff is active on player.

- Apotheosis-cd: Apotheosis is on cooldown.

- SymbHope-cd: Symbol of Hope is on cooldown.

- Chastise-p: Holy Word: Chastise procs if an attackable target is selected.

- Chastise-cd: Holy Word: Chastise is on cooldown.

- HolyFire-p: Holy Fire procs if an attackable target is selected and Holy Word: Chastise is on cooldown.

- HolyFire-cd: Holy Fire is on cooldown.

Priest – Holy Minor Talents/CD

- AngelFeather(Holy)-p: Angel Feather procs if player is running.

- AngelFeather(Holy)-cd: Angel Feather is on cooldown.

- BodyMind-p: Body and Mind procs if player is running.

- BodyMind-b: Body and Mind buff is active on player.

- BodyMind-cd: Body and Mind is on cooldown.

- DespPrayer-p: Desperate Prayer procs if player’s health is below 65%.

- DespPrayer-cd: Desperate Prayer is on cooldown.

- Fade(Holy)-b: Fade buff is currently active on player.

- Fade(Holy)-cd: Fade is on cooldown.

- LeapFaith(holy)-cd: Leap of Faith is on cooldown.

- MassDispell(Holy)-cd: Mas Dispell is on cooldown.

- ShineForce-cd: Shining Force is on cooldown.

■ Help contribute:

If you’ve played the Holy Priest spec in World of WarCraft, how can this WeakAuras be further improve? Please leave a comment for feedbacks, modification, and improvements on this Holy Priest WeakAuras.