beev's BFA Monk WeakAuras (1/3 - Main)

beev's BFA Monk WeakAuras (1/3 - Main)


Updated as of February 16th, 2019 for 8.1. Please delete the old WeakAuras before updating.


Important! Read: This WeakAuras has 3 separate strings:

1. Monk - Main:

2. Monk - Major CD/Talents:

3. Monk - Minor CD/Talents:

Make sure to import all 3 strings for them to best work with each other. The first string (Monk - Main) is here on this page. The other 2 strings are in the links above.


How this WeakAuras work:

see it in action:

Most of the WeakAuras will only load in combat. The WeakAuras that ends with the -p means the icon will glow (or proc), which act as a reminder to use the ability.


Monk - Main

>> BrM

FortBrew(BM)-r: Fortifying Brew is usable.

FortBrew(BM)-b: Fortifying Brew buff is active on player.

FortBrew(BM)-cd: Fortifying Brew is on cooldown.

IronSB-r: Ironskin Brew is usable.

IronSB-b: Ironskin Brew buff is active on player.

IronSB-p: Ironskin Brew procs if player's health is below 100% and has threat.

IronSB-cd: Ironskin Brew is on cooldown.

KegSm-r: Keg Smash is usable.

KegSm-cd: Keg Smash is on cooldown.

KegSm-np: Keg Smash is currently not usable.

BofFire-r: Breath of Fire is usable.

BofFire-p: Breath of Fire procs when player's Keg Smash debuff is on target.

BofFire-cd: Breath of Fire is on cooldown.

ZenMedi-r: Zen Meditation is usable.

ZenMedi-cd: Zen Meditation is on cooldown.

>> MW

Revival-r: Revival is usable.

Revival-cd: Revival is on cooldown.

RenewM-p: Renewing Mist procs if Renewing Mist is usable.

RenewM-cd: Renewing Mist is on cooldown.

Vivify-p: Vivify procs if Renewing Mist is on cooldown and not usable.

ThFocusTea-p: Thunder Focus Tea procs if Thunder Focus Tea is usable.

ThFocusTea-b: Thunder Focus Tea buff is active on player.

ThFocusTea-cd: Thunder Focus Tea is on cooldown.

EssFont-r: Essence Font is usable.

EssFont-cd: Essence Font is on cooldown.

LifeCocoon-r: Life Cocoon is usable.

LifeCocoon-cd: Life Cocoon is on cooldown.

>> WW

TouchDeath-r: Touch of Death is usable.

TouchDeath-b: Player's Touch of Death debuff is active on target.

TouchDeath-cd: Touch of Death is on cooldown.

FistFury-p: Fist of Fury procs if Fist of Furty is usable.

FistFury-cd: Fist of Fury is on cooldown.

FistFury-np: Fist of Fury is currently not usable.

RSKick-r: Rising Sun Kick is usable.

RSKick-p: Rising Sun Kick procs if Fist of Fury is on cooldown.

RSKick-cd: Rising Sun is on cooldown.

RSKick-np: Rising Sun is currently not usable.

SEaF-r: Storm, Earth, and Fire is usable.

SEaF-b: Storm, Earth, and Fire buff is active.

SEaF-cd: Storm, Earth, and Fire buff is on cooldown.


Monk - Major CD/Talents

>> Monk Major Share 1

ChiBurst-p: Chi Burst procs when Chi Burst is usable.

ChiBurst(MW)-p: Chi Burst procs if Renewing Mist is on cooldown and not usable.

ChiBurst(WW)-p: Chi Burst procs if Chi Power is below 5.

ChiBurst(WW)-cd: Chi Burst is on cooldown.

ChiWave-p: Chi Wave procs when Chi Wave is usable.

ChiWave-cd: Chi Wave is on cooldown.

Eye of the Tiger: Eye of the Tiger procs if player's Eye of the Tiger buff is missing.

>> BrM Major

LightStagger-db: Light Stagger debuff is active on player.

ModStagger-db: Moderate Stagger debuff is active on player.

HeavyStagger-db: Heavy Stagger debuff is active on player.

PurifyingBrew-p1: Purifying Brew procs if Heavy Stagger debuff is active on player.

PurifyingBrew-p2: Purifying Brew procs if Moderate Stagger debuff is active on player and player's health is below 50%.

BlackoutStrike-p: Blackout Strike procs if Keg Smash is on cooldown.

TigerPalm(BM)-p: Tiger Palm procs if Keg Smash and Blackout Strike is on cooldown.

InvokeNiuzao-p: Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox procs if Keg Smash and Breath of Fire is on cooldown.

InvokeNiuzao-cd: Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox is on cooldown.

BlackOxB-p: Black Ox Brew procs if Iron Skin Brew and Purifying Brew is on cooldown and not usable.

BlackOxB-cd: Black Ox Brew procs is on cooldown.

BlackoutCombo-b: Blackout Combo buff is active.

BlackOxStatue-p: Black Ox Statue procs if Black Ox Statue totem is not nearby.

RushingWind(BM)-p: Rushing Jade Wind procs if Rushing Jade Wind is usable.

>> MW Major

SoothingMist-p: Soothing Mist procs if player is not casting or channeling, and Renewing Mist is on cooldown and not usable.

Vivify(LifeCycle)-p: Vifify procs if Lifecycles (Vivify) buff is active.

EnviMist(LifeCycle)-p: Enveloping Mist procs if Lifecycles (Enveloping Mist) buff is active.

EnviMist-b: Player's Enveloping Mist buff is active on friendly targets.

ManaTea-p: Mana Tea procs if Essence font is usable, Thunder Focus Tea is on cooldown and not usable, and player's Thunder Focus Tea buff is missing, and Renewing Mist is on cooldown and not usable, and player's mana is below 100%.

ManaTea-b: Mana Tea buff is active.

ManaTea-cd: Mana Tea is on cooldown.

RefreshJade-p: Refreshing Jade Wind procs if Essence font is on cooldown, and Renewing Mist is on cooldown and not usable.

RefreshJade-b: Refreshing Jade Wind buff is active.

InvokeChiji-p: Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane procs if Renewing Mist is on cooldown and not usable, and Essence Font is on cooldown.

InvokeChiji-cd: Invoke Chi-Ji is on cooldown.

JadeSerpentStatue-p: Jade Serpent Statue procs if Jade Serpent Statue totem is not nearby.

JadeSerpentSoothe-p: Jade Serpent Statue procs if Jade Serpent Statue is not channeling soothe.

JadeSerpentStatue-cd: Jade Serpent Statue procs is on cooldown.

Detox(MW)-cd: Detox is on cooldown.

TeachMonas-b: Teachings of the Monastery buff is active.

TeachMonas-p: Blackout Kick procs if 3 stacks of Teachings of the Monastery buff is active.

BlackoutK(MW)-cd: Blackout Kick is on cooldown.

RisingSunK(MW)-p: Rising Sun Kick procs if Rising Sun Kick is usable.

RisingSunK(MW)-cd: Rising Sun Kick is on cooldown.

>> WW Major

BlackoutK(WW)-p: Blackout Kick procs if Blackout Kick! buff is active.

EyeTiger(WW)-p: Tiger Palm procs if player's Eye of the Tiger buff is missing.

SpinningCK-r: Spinning Crane Kick is usable if more than 1 stacks of Spinning Crane is active and fist of fury is on cooldown.

SpinningCK-b: Spinning Crane Kick procs if Storm, Earth, and Fire buff is active, more than 1 stacks of Spinning Crane is active, and fist of fury is on cooldown.

FistWhiteTiger-p: Fist of the White Tiger procs if Chi power is less than 3.

FistWhiteTiger-cd: Fist of the White Tiger is on cooldown.

EnergyElixir-p: Energizing Elixir procs if Chi power is less than 4 and Tiger Palm is not usable.

EnergyElixir-cd: Energizing Elixir procs is on cooldown.

InvokeXuen-p: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger procs if Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is usable.

InvokeXuen-cd: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is on cooldown.

TouchKarma-p: Touch of Karma procs if player's health is below 100% and has threat.

TouchKarma-b: Touch of Karma buff is active.

TouchKarma-cd: Touch of Karma is on cooldown.

WhirlingPunch-p: Whirling Dragon Punch procs if Whirling Dragon Punch is usable.

WhirlingPunch-cd: Whirling Dragon Punch is on cooldown.

RushingWind(WW)-p: Rushing Jade Wind procs if Rushing Jade Wind is usable.

>> Monk Major Share 2

SpearStrike-p: Spear Hand Strike procs if target cast is interruptable.

SpearStrike-cd: Spear Hand Strike is on cooldown.


Monk - Minor CD/Talents

>> Monk - Minor Share 1

HealingElixir-p: Healing Elixir procs if player's health is below 85%.

HealingElixir-cd: Healing Elixir procs is on cooldown.

DiffuseMagic-b: Diffuse Magic buff is active.

DiffuseMagic-cd: Diffuse Magic is on cooldown.

DampenHarm-p: Dampen Harm procs if player has threat.

DampenHarm-b: Dampen Harm buff is active.

DampenHarm-cd: Dampen Harm is on cooldown.

>> BrM Minor

ExpelH-p: Expel Harm procs if Expel Harm is usable and player's health is below 95%.

>> MW Minor

FortBrew(MW)-p: Fortifying Brew procs if player's health is below 100% and player has threat.

FortBrew(MW)-b: Fortifying Brew buff is active.

FortBrew(MW)-cd: Fortifying Brew buff is on cooldown.

>> WW Minor

FlySerpK-cd: Flying Serpent Kick is on cooldown.

>> Monk - Minor Share 2

Roll-p: Roll procs if player is running.

ChiTorpedo-b: Chi Torpedo buff is active.

Roll-cd: Roll is on cooldown if Roll is not usable.

TigerLust-p: Tiger Lust's procs if player is running, and Roll is on cooldown and not usable.

TigerLust-b: Tiger Lust buff is active.

TigerLust-cd: Tiger Lust's is on cooldown.

Proke-cd: Provoke is on cooldown.

LegSweep-cd: Leg Sweep is on cooldown.

RingPeace-cd: Ring of Peace is on cooldown.

Paralysis-cd: Paralysis is on cooldown.

Transcendance-b: Transcendence buff is active.

Transcendance-cd: Transcendance is on cooldown.

Transcendance:T-r: Transcendance: Transfer is usable.

Transcendance:T-cd: Transcendance: Transfer is on cooldown.



If you’ve played the Monk class in World of WarCraft, how can this WeakAuras be further improve? Please leave a comment for feedbacks, modification, and improvements on this Monk WeakAuras.