Helps you learn where you mapped your Belkin N52TE Keys
Requires a few TGA files, you can download them here:
This WeakAura will help you learn your keymapping on an external device like the Belkin N52TE. Razer makes some more modern ones also now. I found it very difficult to remember what I had bound where, and I was hunting around for the buttons.
With this, it's much easier to learn and over time I'll add more abilities to the unused buttons until it becomes second-nature where to tap.
You can configure the transparency, you could in theory change it to a different graphic if your device is different.
You can enable/disable each of the buttons. I have the unused buttons just turned off in the "LOAD" tab, by checking the "Never" box.
To get this to work you need to have .TGA (image) files loaded, and there are some stipulations I have found for WeakAuras to display them.
(1) You have to add the files to your WoW install folder, and I recommend you put them here:
C:\Program-whatever\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\Addons\WeakAuras\Media\Textures\filename.tga
(2) After you save the files there, you have to Launch WoW. If the game is already running, you have to exit completely then re-launch (the 3 files shown in the Dropbox screenhot with the "STAR" beside them. The others are just raw .PNG's you can use to modify if desired. The .TGA files are what WA reads.) I think this is a security feature Blizz implemented. I'm sure they scan the files first and allow/disallow based on whatever.
(3) If you are making your own TGA files, you have to ensure they are Powers of 2. So 256 x 256 for example. 256 x 271 would not work. You can resize them later easily from within WeakAuras.
(4) They need to be 32-bit colour TGA's. I've found that PAINT.NET (the program) works really well and will preserve transparency in the final TGA graphics also. It's free.
So yea, go ahead and download these files from my Dropbox link above if you like and I hope this helps you as much as it has already helped me.
Next steps: I want to make the buttons "highlight" when you press the keys. I think I'll do this via a 2nd texture on top that expires in 0.25 seconds or something like that. Not sure yet.