[BFA 8.0] X`s Windwalker UI

[BFA 8.0] X`s Windwalker UI


2019.02.18 --》Bug fixed

2019.02.02 —》Dance 0f Chi-ji And Fury of xuen Added

2018.07.30 —》All Talents Supported

2018.07.24 —》Fix Bugs

2018.07.24 —》BFA Updated

2017.12.30 —》Fix Bugs

2017.12.06 —》Add The Emperor`s Capacitor active advise

2017.11.16 --》Fix some Bugs,improve animation effect

X`s Monl Ui For Windwalker section

ALL profiles for this UI were uploaded here: https://wago.io/rk7WMkHCb

Masque Skin:Sonaza-Sonata

This is a collection of 54 auras:

TPT (icon)

TPT Bar (progresstexture)

Hit Combo (icon)

Hit Combo Bar (progresstexture)

MoS (icon)

Mos Bar (texture)

RSK (icon)

RSK 2 (icon)

FoF (icon)

FoF 2 (icon)

Chi Burst (icon)

Chi Wave (icon)

Invoke Xuen (icon)

SEF (icon)

SEF 2 (icon)

Elixir (icon)

Elixir 2 (icon)

SOTF (icon)

SOTF 2 (icon)

Touch Of Death (icon)

Touch Of Death 2 (icon)

Dragon Punch (icon)

Blackout Kick! (icon)

定位1 2 (texture)

COLF 1 (model)

COLF 3 (aurabar)

Mastery (icon)

RSK CD (icon)

RSK CD Bar (aurabar)

FoF CD (icon)

FoF Cd Bar (aurabar)

Chi Wave CD (icon)

Chi Wave CD Bar (aurabar)

Chi Burst CD (icon)

Chi Burst CD Bar (aurabar)

SEF CD (icon)

SEF CD Bar (aurabar)

Tiger CD (icon)

Elixir CD (icon)

Elixir cd Bar (aurabar)

SOTF CD (icon)

SOTF CD Bar (aurabar)

TOD CD (icon)

TOD CD Bar (aurabar)

TOD Buff (icon)

TOD Buff Bar (aurabar)

SEF Buff (icon)

SEF Buff Bar (aurabar)

Serenity Buff (icon)

Serenity Buff Bar (aurabar)

Tiger Duration (icon)

Tiger Duration Bar (aurabar)

Dragon Punch CD (icon)

Dargon Punch CD Bar (aurabar)