BFA  - DUNChancement HUD [8.0.1]

BFA - DUNChancement HUD [8.0.1]


Dunc's famed weakaura's!

I'll try keep it up to date but I'm lazy.

This kit is currently up and running for bfa.

The pack is made to fit nicely with my elvui profile -


- Elemental Spirits Indication (including double dog highlight)

Due to the complexity of the Azerite trait system I have not included common azerite traits in this pack, it is likely I will make something to fit snugly with this HUD in the future and upload as a separate pack.

Legion Legendary and Tier Support has been removed but can be found in previous version of the weak aura (v4 and less)

- Smoldering Heart

- T21 2p Rockbiter Proc

- T20 4p Crash Lightning Stacks

- Tracks Maelstrom power, Flametongue buff duration and Crash lightning buff in progress bars. (Flametongue bar updates to share space with frostbrand if hailstorm is taken)

All feedback welcome.

Feel free to message me from Earthshrine discord.


To be added:

- Fury of Air Active indicator

- Crash Lightning hit range indicator

- Defensive Auras

- Azerite traits

- Gif and Video for details page






Version 1.5

- Revisited changes made in v1.5 and made minor adjustments to reserve cohesiveness of weak auras

Version 1.5

- Minor changes to display and efficiencies.

- Removed Smoldering Heart

- Removed Legion Tier Auras

Version 1.4

- Removed unintentional Yell actions from Elemental Dogs that were created during testing

Version 1.3

- Fixed Maelstrom bars not showing correctly

- Added Lightning Shield not active - Only active in instances

Version 1.2

- Fixed some broken auras

Version 1.1

- Added all talents to HUD and T21 2p/4p as well as Landslide procs

Version 1.0

- Updated to include base requirements for BFA
