*Best used in conjunction with*
Havoc Bars: https://wago.io/BktUAiTmm <- "Necessary"
Havoc CDs: https://wago.io/HkQfb36mX <- Optional
Havoc CD Pulse: https://wago.io/BkMbVh677 <- Optional
A HUD for Havoc Demon Hunter in BFA. This is a modified weakaura pack originally by Sovin Felrage and includes the Out of Range and critical health indicators from his pack. With BFA close on the horizon and prepatch already out, I needed to update them for use with the new talents and abilities.
With Momentum most likely being the BiS talent for Uldir, I've compressed the Fel Rush and Vengeful Retreat bars into icons closer to Fury bar and near the spenders. Vengeful Retreat and Fel Rush both light up when usable/at 2 stacks. Icons change depending on talents taken. The Fury bar turns purple showing you have Prepared buff, and a green spark appears at the end of the bar when Immolation Aura is going.
Fury generators are below the fury bar, while AoE cooldowns are above it. If you have a usable trinket in slot 14 (2nd Trinket slot) your trinket will appear under Throw Glaive and light up when off CD and usable.