BFA On-Screen Herb Stock

BFA On-Screen Herb Stock


Updated to now show while on flight paths and only to characters 110 and above that have Herbalism.

Shows herb count on screen, including what you have in the bank. Will automatically hide in combat, raids, pet battles and vehicle encounters to reduce the clutter you may have on your screen from boss mods.

As default, the colour of the text will be red if a count of a herb falls below 50. This is to indicate at a glance, a short supply. This can be configured in the WA, under Conditions. You can change it per herb (so 50 for Anchor Weed may be acceptable, but not necessarily for Winter's Kiss) or a general overall rule (which is what it's currently set to.)

AnchorWeed (icon)

StarMoss (icon)

Riverbud (icon)

SirensPollen (icon)

SeaStalk (icon)

WintersKiss (icon)

Akunda'sBite (icon)