Tracks the new Raid Buffs that were added in Prepatch (Battle Shout, Arcane Intellect and Power Word: Fortitude).
Shows an icon when…
1.) Someone in your group is unbuffed with a certain buff
2.) Someone in your group could provide the buff that the person is missing.
Smart Detection - excludes people that don't need a specific buff (such as warriors not needing Arcane Intellect)
Range Checking - Only people in your range will be considered. Icon will glow when you can cast the buff with someone needing it it range.
Also shows on the icon how many people in your group are currently buffed and how many total members you have.
The icons will hide as soon as all people are buffed (or noone is in your raid that could apply the buff).
Update 20.07.18:
Logged out and dead players will not be taken into consideration for the calculation.
Update 21.07.18:
Will now only track people that are in the same zone you are in. E.g. in the same raid or dungeon. Continents are used outside of dungeons/raids, no more precise way available that I know of sadly.
Also people outside your zone or logged out/dead will not be considered available for "applying the buff".