Rogue Subtlety
Sneaking up on your foes with an amazing UI to got with its counterpart.
For the buffs, go to:
For "old" layout, go to the versions tab and click July 27, 2018.
The "new" layout will be any version between July 27, 2018- November 11, 2018
The Current layout will be anything on and after November 11, 2018.
Update: November 11, 2018
Changed layout.
Added dynamic group for buffs.
Update: August 1, 2018
Added aminations to cooldowns.
Update: July 29, 2018
Changed Nightblade and SoD Buff to progress bars.
Changed the format of the spec.
Other miscellaneous buffs have been transformed.
Added background to various cooldowns.
Update: July 26, 2018
Added GCD to specific spells.
Fixed Shadow Dance Text.
Fixed some defensive cooldown displays.