Bravery lies on pigmy heights.
Read the description before anything else!
Hi, friends! As of October 18th, I've quit WoW, so updates to this are unlikely (albeit not impossible) to happen in the foreseeable future. Everything is fairly future-proof, but I can't guarantee they'll be 100% correct after patch 8.1. Love y'all and good luck!
Soul Shards bar
Next Doom tick prediction
Consumption prediction
Colored by spec (and green fire)
Highly customizeable in Actions > On Init
Thank you to Ipse for many extra tweaks!
Main spells (vary by spec)
Aff » Agony (tick Display > Text 1 on WL Spell #1 to display its stacks), Corruption, Unstable Affliction (Contagion Assist included), Darkglare
Demo » Demonic Core, Dreadstalkers, Felstorm, Demonic Tyrant
Destro » Immolate, Conflagrate, Havoc, Infernal
Secondary bars (vary by spec)
Aff » Agony and Corruption on focus
Demo » Next Demonic Core proc (Imps & Dogs timers)
Destro » Immolate on focus, and Backdraft
Using AddonSkins makes the icons big enough that they may cover bars, fiddle with position and size to adjust it to your liking
Left » Absorbs, Unending Resolve, and Circle/Dark Pact
Right » Pet spells, Shadowfury, and Mortal Coil
Burning Rush
The following auras can be ripped off the group as is (some might be anchored to other auras, so check that out) to be reused as you desire, since they do nifty things:
Imp and Dreadstalkers timers » these bars will track how long your dreadstalkers and imps will be up (and is VERY precise). Imps will show up as green, and dogs as red. If you put this in a dynamic group, it will be displayed as a bar for each demon.
Talents Tracker » this singular aura builds a row of icons depending on which talents you have active. This has the potential to replace entire aura packages (as it can, of course, do the same thing for base abilities), if you alter the code in Actions > On Init (it is well explained there). There are several Conditions you can use to manipulate things like ugly glows and other wild visuals, including: all regular WeakAuras conditions; aura name, spellID, and type; whether a debuff is in pandemic range or isn't applied to your target; and if a charge or cooldown is ready.
DCon & Demon Counter * » this aura counts how many demons (aside from your main pet)(%s) and the size of the buff your D. Tyrant will have if Demonic Consumption is active (%n).
DoTs Counter ** » this aura simply counts how many active dots you have.
Grimoire of Supremacy ** » displays the size of the buff from GoSup.
* By default, it only counts Imps, but that can be toggled in Actions > On Init.
** Disabled by default.
When in doubt, /reload.
Delete the whole group before re-importing it.
This was meant to be used with Masque; the Display tab is your friend otherwise.
Oct/11 - Performance tweaks (biglier for demo)
Oct/10 - Changed Spell #1 to more easily allow the display of agony stacks
Oct/03 - Fixed weird positioning of Demonic Cores stacks
Aug/26 - Talents can now glow all the ugly ways you ever wanted and more!
Aug/23 - Imp timers should now reflect the fifth cast bug fix, and the auras should no longer load when in a vehicle
Aug/19 - Demon timers should now reflect the difference between summoning demons before or after casting Demonic Tyrant
Aug/04 - Updating a default config in the Soul Shards Bar, and Blizzard-proofed it
Aug/01 - Just pushing small updates, mainly to the Talents Aura, so it can be better ripped off and used for other classes
Jul/29 - Update to Soul Shards Bar: several customization options added, and Doom tracking now only has a very obscure edge case of the edge case to not work (that currently can't be addressed). Shoutout to Ipse for many of the added features.
Jul/27 - Code tweaked in case the user wishes to see Agony stacks
Jul/25 - The Felstorm buff on your pet is now being tracked
Jul/23 - Group scaling should now affect all auras
Jul/19 - Imp timers and counter fixed for DCon
Jul/17 - Fixed Power Siphon
Jul/16 - Group updated for BfA