BFA Buff Tracker

BFA Buff Tracker


Updates from now will be only for this aura:

newer version

Tracking new BFA buffs from warriors, mages and priests

Showing list of players that missing buffs on icon mouseover

  • Desaturated icon with scroll: aura buffing class is dead - use scrolls to buff

  • Scroll icon: aura buffing class is missing - use scrolls to buff

  • Glowing icon with numbers: someone missing a buff (players with buff/total players can be affected)

Note, that arcane intellect and stamina are 40 yards range buffs, scrolls are 30 yards and shout is 100

  • everyone is buffed


27.01.2019 - removed clickable shit! It is breaking all the stuff on clones

27.01.2019 - added custom options, changed glow to pixel glow, added clickable support, swapped animations to conditions

23.07.2018 - added scrolls to check

removed group check from the snippets allowing aura to display correctly playing solo

24.07.2018 - fixed glowing bug after opening /wa

reworked glowing logic for classes who can apply buffs

now there is one more icon for a buffers that showing amount of people in their range without buffs

fixed mouseover

29.07.2018 - more accurate check for buffs while class buffers are dead