Dungeon - Targeted Spells

Dungeon - Targeted Spells


Help to see who is targeted by spells in PVE.

/!\ Name on nameplate function was removed, if you still need this function use https://wago.io/NameplateCastTarget /!\


icon glow


  • Show icons on your party frames while enemy is casting
  • Glow frame if spell is important
  • Show a big icon if spell is important (require https://wago.io/6igFJr649)
  • Play a sound when you are targeted by an important spell
  • Play a sound when you are targeted by a boss (dps & healers only)


You can test this weakauras out of dungeons under Warport Rastari in Zuldazar with "Massive Glaive" from Stormbound Conquerors



Positioning of icons is set in the group tab when you select the group.


Glow effect

You can edit the glow effect in the condition tab of "Targeted Spells"


Per spell configuration

Recently move to Custom Options tab


Don't forget to enable enemy nameplates.


  • Why is it always active and not only on dungeons ? It can be useful for any group activity like pvp, world quests, outdoor bosses and raids. You should not worry about it's resources usage, it was written with resources efficiency in mind.
  • UIParent:GetChildren(): Stack overflow error You have an addon or a weakauras polluting UIParent with frames, to diagnose which one is doing shit, install wowlua and run this code https://pastebin.com/7EmfrZNW
  • It doesn't work. Install both bugsack and bug-grabber, click the red bag icon on minimap, and give me complete Lua error in comments.

WeakAuras Companion

I continually improve this aura, if you want to keep up with updates i recommend install of WeakAuras Companion app

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