BG Rez Timer

BG Rez Timer


BG Rez Timer

BG Rez Timer will tell you the approximate Timer on the Graveyard Rez during BGs.
In Classic, the rez timer is random between 31 and 32 seconds. This makes it tough for the WA to be 100% exact.
Whenever two or more people rez within 100ms then it resyncs the timer, essentially after the first set of deaths the timer becomes much more accurate!
Also it seems like each AV graveyard is on separate rez timer based upon when they were controlled

Manual Sync Macro

I've added a manual sync macro, when you press it, it will set everyone's timer to 31.5. You should press it when the enemy team spawns if your timer is out of sync!
This feature exists because its common with good premades that no one will die. This means the timer can grow to be far out of sync.
Only one member on your team needs to press the macro.
If people are trolling, or you don't want this feature, there is a checkbox to disable it in custom options
/script WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BG_REZ_SYNC", "SYNC");