This is an extended version of the BG Rez Timer by Aurokin (
This version attempts to also keep track of how many enemies are currently dead, and thus will ress when timer reaches zero.
This can espeically be useful for flag carrying as it gives you an idea whether or not it is safe to run to the enemy graveyard.
NOTE: There is a few things that can cause the dead-enemy-tracker to come out of sync. Just like the ress timer can sometimes get out of sync, so can the tracker since it resets whenever the timer does. I did, however, manage to improve this a little bit, so this isn't the biggest issue. There is a few other things that can prevent the tracker from being 100% accurate. The tracker gets the data from the battleground scoreboard, which means that the tracker only updates whenever the scoreboard does. The scoreboard does update frequently but only does so, in what seems to be random waves. So what that means is, if an enemy dies right before the tracker resets (i.e. the GY resses) and there happens to be no update for the scoreboard before the tracker resets, then that enemy is going to ress but the tracker wont know that, so it will count him in for the next ress. This can also happen if an enemy die and for some reason choses not to release spirit before GY resses - luckily most pvp'ers got auto release on death. Last but not least, if an enemy leaves the battleground it can also cause the tracker to come out of sync.
In every case the tracker will resync each time the ress timer resets, and because of that it should be accurate most of the time.
TLDR: Few things can cause the tracker to come out of sync. The tracker will resync each time the ress timer resets.
Tested with WeakAuras v. 2.17.9