Bloodpain's Warlock Complete! (All Specs) 8.0

Bloodpain's Warlock Complete! (All Specs) 8.0


An all in one approach to the "Complete Warlock", it automatically switches and accounts for talent changes and has a slick HUD for any UI setup. Whenever I make changes to the setup I will update it here. Enjoy!

Load these 2 addons so you can have clean icons like I have, you can color the borders to match your Warlock class as well like I have done in the image.

Masque addon for the icons:

Masque Clean Icons:

Background 1 (texture)

Background 2 (texture)

Immo 1 (icon)

Immo 2 (icon)

Conflag (icon)

Conflag 2 (icon)

Conflag 3 (icon)

Demonfire 1 (icon)

Demonfire 2 (icon)

CB 1 (icon)

CB 2 (icon)

Soul Fire 1 (icon)

Soul Fire 2 (icon)

Cataclysm 1 (icon)

Cataclysm 2 (icon)

Infernal 1 (icon)

Infernal 2 (icon)

DSI 1 (icon)

DSI 2 (icon)

Havoc 1 (icon)

Havoc 2 (icon)

Demonic Core (icon)

Demonic Calling (texture)

Dreadstalkers 1 (icon)

Dreadstalkers 2 (icon)

HOG 1 (icon)

HOG 2 (icon)

Bombers 1 (icon)

Bombers 2 (icon)

Demonic Strength 1 (icon)

Demonic Strength 2 (icon)

Vilefiend 1 (icon)

Vilefiend 2 (icon)

Tyrant 1 (icon)

Tyrant 2 (icon)

Soul Strike 1 (icon)

Soul Strike 2 (icon)

Felguard 1 (icon)

FelGuard 2 (icon)

Nether Portal 1 (icon)

Nether Portal 2 (icon)

Shard 1 (progresstexture)

Shard 2 (progresstexture)

Shard 3 (progresstexture)

Shard 4 (progresstexture)

Shard 5 (progresstexture)

UA 1 (icon)

Agony 1 (icon)

Agony 2 (icon)

Agony 3 (icon)

Corrupt 1 (icon)

Corrupt 2 (icon)

Corrupt 3 (icon)

SL 1 (icon)

SL 2 (icon)

SL 3 (icon)

Haunt 1 (icon)

Haunt 2 (icon)

Deathbolt 1 (icon)

Deathbolt 2 (icon)

PS 1 (icon)

PS 2 (icon)

Darkglare 1 (icon)

Darkglare 2 (icon)

Vile Taint 1 (icon)

Vile Taint 2 (icon)

Mortal Coil 1 (icon)

Mortal Coil 2 (icon)

Shadowfury 1 (icon)

Shadowfury 2 (icon)

Dark Pact 1 (icon)

Dark Pact 2 (icon)