Displays major essence cooldowns and associated data for minor essences.
Currently supported:
Anima of Life and Death
-minor stack counter
Blood of the Enemy
-minor stack counter
-major debuff timer
The Ever-Rising Tide
-major buff timer
-major stack counter
Aegis of the Deep
-major stack counter
Worldvein Resonance
-minor buff stack counter
The Unbound Force
-minor stack counter
Ripple in Space
-major buff duration
Life-Binder's Invocation
-minor stack counter
Condensed Life-Force
-Rank 3 major debuff timer
Conflict and Strife
-minor buff stack counter
Essence of the Focusing Iris
-minor stack counter
The Well of Existence
-minor well quantity
Azeroth's Undying Gift
-major buff duration (Glows @ 40% DR)
-minor buff duration
Artifice of Time
-Standstill buff tracker
Nullification Dynamo
-major buff value
-minor buff value
Sphere of Suppression
-Sphere of Suppression debuff duration
-Sphere of Suppression buff stacks
-Suppressing Pulse debuff duration
The Crucible of Flame
-major buff stacks
-rank 3 stacks/cooldown
Memory of Lucid Dreams
-major buff duration
The following only have Major essence support or are completely passive/do not have information worth tracking:
Purification Protocol
Vitality Conduit