When asked for a "NO Sound" but "IN YOUR FACE" WA to track Sunfire and Moonfire this is what you get….
When you are in combat and inside of an instance this aura will check your target to see if the Moonfire / Sunfire DoTs are applied. If they are not it will recommend that you cast them (in a way you can't miss!) If they are present it will show the timer remaining with a reminder at 5 seconds left to reapply your cast.
This is a collection of 18 auras:
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - Icon) (icon)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - Text) (icon)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - Fading Soon - Icon) (icon)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - Fading Soon - Text (icon)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - Missing - Icon) (icon)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - Missing - Text) (icon)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - Icon) (icon)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - Text) (icon)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - Fading Soon - Icon) (icon)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - Fading Soon - Text) (icon)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - Missing - Icon) (icon)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - Missing - Text) (icon)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff -Ending Soon - Symbol) (texture)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - Missing - Symbol) (texture)
Boomkin: Sunfire (Debuff - All Good - Symbol) (texture)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff -Ending Soon - Symbol) (texture)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - Missing - Symbol) (texture)
Boomkin: Moonfire (Debuff - All Good - Symbol) (texture)