Brewmaster: 7.2.5 UI (based on Keggernaut's)

Brewmaster: 7.2.5 UI (based on Keggernaut's)


Customized Keggernaut Brewmaster UI for 7.2.5

Also includes an aura for Black Ox Statue showing the HP of the statue ( [not shown on screenshots, it's a small horizontal bar at the bottom]

The 3rd screenshot includes descriptions of important auras

This is a collection of 44 auras:

Energy Bar (aurabar)

Exploding Keg rdy (icon)

Exploding Keg CD (icon)

Rushing Jade Wind (progresstexture)

RJW rdy (icon)

RJW CD (icon)

Niuzao rdy (icon)

Niuzao CD (icon)

Keg smash rdy (icon)

Keg smash CD (icon)

Blackout rdy (icon)

Blackout CD (icon)

fire breathe rdy (icon)

fire breathe CD (icon)

chi burst rdy (icon)

chi burst CD (icon)

Chi Wave rdy (icon)

Chi Wave CD (icon)

Leg Sweep rdy (icon)

Leg Sweep CD (icon)

Ring of Peace rdy (icon)

Ring of Peace CD (icon)

Dampen Harm rdy (icon)

Dampen Harm CD (icon)

Healing Elixir (icon)

Provoke rdy (icon)

Provoke CD (icon)

Spear Hand Strike Rdy (icon)

Spear Hand Strike CD (icon)

Expel Harm (icon)

Expel Harm Unavailable (icon)

Normalized Stagger (rivers, 2017-06-21) (aurabar)

ISBCharge 3 (aurabar)

ISBCharge 2 (aurabar)

ISBCharge 1 (aurabar)

Mk.BrM 7.2.5 Stagger Amount (Hapu) (text)

ISB tracker ticks (aurabar)

Zen Meditation 2 (icon)

ox brew CD (icon)

ox brew rdy (icon)

Fortifying Brew 2 (icon)

Blackout Combo Buffing Player (texture)

Normalized Stagger (rivers, 2017-06-27) (aurabar)

Black Ox Statue (aurabar)