Brewmaster Monk HUD

Brewmaster Monk HUD


This is a custom HUD handmade for the Brewmaster Monk that uses Rivers Normalized Stagger WA..

- Check out Rivers here

Bar Texture: Melli

Font: Tukui Pixel -- Any font will work you might have to edit each item to fix the font if not Tukui Pixel w/ Monochrome outline.

You will need the following three things. Skin Auras like ElvUI, ElvUI Extra Media, and the Custom Images

Skin Auras like ElvUI --

Extra Media including more fonts and bar textures used to make the HUD --

Custom Images: Please save the folder in your WoW AddOns directory. --- World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\FatAuras


HUD Breakdown from Top to Bottom


ISB Buff Uptime Timer - Changes color depending on the duration of the buff. Green >14sec, Yellow <14sec, and Red <7sec.

Healing Spheres

ISB / Purify Charges - This row changes depending on if you spec into Healing Elixirs by adding 2 additional charges.

Rivers Stagger Bar -

Core Abilities

Energy Bar

Bottom two rows are Defensives / Potions / Utilities

*Some abilities change depending on talent selection.*

Please leave a comment or give a star if you like my design.