Legendary Chest and Shoulders haven't been considered when making the weakaura, I'd need to look into how this changes the rotation and see if it can be implemented.
However, BoC is supported and tells you to use TP. It's also meant to keep your uptime on Ironskin going always with use of Black Ox Brew.
It needs stress testing to make sure its making the correct predictions on what to do in general, i believe its correct but im looking for feedback on tweaks to what it shows.
This is a collection of 29 auras:
Keg Smash CD (icon)
Keg Smash (icon)
Keg Smash BoC (icon)
Blackout Strike CD (icon)
Blackout Strike (icon)
High Stagger (icon)
Expel Harm (icon)
Rushing Jade Wind (icon)
Rushing Jade Wind CD (icon)
Ironskin Brew 3 Stack Post BoB (icon)
Ironskin Brew 3 Stack Pre BoB (icon)
Ironskin Brew 1-2 Stack (icon)
Ironskin Brew 1-2 Stack No Buff (icon)
Black Ox Brew (icon)
Blackout Combo Glow (text)
Breath of Fire CD (icon)
Breath of Fire (icon)
Breath of Fire BoC (icon)
Tiger Palm BrM BoC (icon)
Tiger Palm (icon)
Tiger Palm BrM Glow (text)
Exploding Keg (icon)
BrMHealthOverlay (aurabar)
Ironskin Brew Bar (aurabar)
BrMHealthBG>75 (aurabar)
BrMHealthBG>50 (aurabar)
BrMHealthBG<50 (aurabar)
Health (text)
EH/legend belt recovery indicator (text)