This WA is a fully animated aesthetic tracker for your Lock and Load talent, as well as Explosive Shot Debuff tracking on your current target.
***You need this texture file or the WeakAura will not look right. Put it in the folder "Interface\Addons\WeakAuras\Media\Textures" ***
*You will need to recopy this file any time the WeakAuras Addon is updated.*
If you only need one or the other, you can delete the group for the one you don't need. Easy Peasy
Lock and Load Proc/Stack Tracking
When Lock and Load is triggered, you will see animations indicating how many stacks of L&L you have and it will deplete/change as you expend said stacks. The base image is a cooldown swipe, but included also is a text-based indication of remaining time on your L&L proc.
Explosive Shot Debuff Tracking (This also has a tick animation to display each tick of the dot, but is not working 100% - fixing in v1.0.3)
When Explosive Shot is applied to your current target, a fireball below the L&L image will appear, also with a text-based indication of time remaining on the Debuff. This will assist in maximizing both ES and the L&L talent.
Pre-release Update History:
*Animated Hunter Lock and Load Tracking (Proc, Stack Count, Remaining Time Text, Remaining Time Swipe)
*Animated Hunter Explosive Shot Debuff Tracking (Shows remaining time of Explosive Shot debuff on current target if affected)
*Updated to custom URL.
*Minor positional tweak of the ES Debuff tracker.
v1.?.?: (coming soon)
*Sounds - Adding a subtle sound cue for Explosive Shot Cooldown (gun click, pistol hammer being pulled back)
*Will be fixing the animations aimed at indicating individual ticks of the DoT ES Debuff on your current target.
*Need to fix the Explosive Shot Firing animation to not be cropped by the WA box.
*Would also like to fix the animation for the 2nd shot. The WA goes away the moment the buff does, not allowing the animation to take place.