Bubbly Status Bars (Read description)

Bubbly Status Bars (Read description)


Final Fantasy 14 inspired status bars that move and adapt to your class, specialisation and even Druid form!



• HP bar shines briefly when healed.

• Optional heartbeat audio alert when your HP is below 50%. (See "Tips for configuring")

• Combo Points bar glows at 100%

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Tips for configuring:

Each bar should be pretty straightforward to edit. In some cases, a few bars need some extra triggers and conditions. I've done my best to describe what the important triggers and conditions do in the tooltip/info tab for each bar.

• Enable the heartbeat alert by setting "Sound: Loop" instead of "Stop" in HP bar conditions 6 and 7.

• Disable the Combo Points glow by modifying Condition 3 in the Combo Points WeakAura.

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Pairs well with my other FFXIV inspired WeakAura, "Personal Buffs and Debuffs"


Bubbly Status Bars Classic (outdated for now):


Thanks and shoutouts to MojiTheMonk on Wago/Reddit and Darianopolis in the WeakAuras Discord for their help! I learned a lot by looking at the innards of Moji's WeakAuras, and Darianopolis gave really good tips on how I should approach the v2.0.0 update for these status bars.