Buff and Consumable Overview

Buff and Consumable Overview


Forked buff/consumable overview from Mr. Ghaan's WA.

Default class specific load options assume straight-laced specializations, so pay extra attention to the load options if you're playing a hybrid role.

All rebuffing features have been removed due to them being quite annoying to implement and upkeep in a sensible manner and the value they add is minimal.

Version history


Did away with all rebuffing features.

Added Brilliant Mana Oil and Brilliant Wizard oil

Added Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops

v1.0.5 - v1.0.7

Minor tweaks and bug fixes

v1.0.3 & v1.0.4

Large overhaul.

Added consumables for multiple classes.

Removed multi functionality from auras, disable non-stacking firewater / juju might manually if you don't want to see both.

Removed weapon enchants.

Added some seasonal consumables, DMF buffs, ZG related stuff etc.


Renamed Sharpening Stones aura to OH Sharpening Stone to clarify the aura only checks and rebuffs the Off Hand weapon.


Renamed Juju Power to STR Buff and Winterfall Firewater to AP Buff auras, and changed the default icon of AP Buff to Juju Might to better reflect the rebuffing order.


Initial commit: Restored rebuffing functionality to borked auras, bundled non-stacking auras together (f.ex. blasted lands buffs). Added tracking for Off Hand sharpening stone. Added WCB to tracked wbuffs. Added Flask of the Titans to tracked consumables.