Discord: camcoyote#4647
Ability cooldowns, buff and resource tracker, and proc display for Windwalker monks.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free t
Re-edit of Babylonius's group:
Skinned with Masque - Dream.
* Energy bar is green at 100% energy, and turns red below 50 energy. It also turns orange above 60 energy to caution you from using Fists of Fury, as you run the risk of capping during the channel. This also gives a good indication during combat if your bar turns green, then you know you capped, and and if it's red, you won't be able to cast Tiger Palm.
* The left hand number on the energy bar shows your current energy, and the right hand shows the remaining time until your energy is filled.
* Dynamic Chi resource tracker depending on whether you are using Ascension.
* Last hit tracker for Combo Breaker, Combo Breaker stacks, and buff duration.
* Dynamic charge bars for Storm, Earth, and Fire, and Serenity. Displays cooldown and remaining charges, a buff duration timer, and change depending on if you have only one charge (prior to level 70), or if you have Serenity selected.
* Spear Hand Strike cooldown icon glows if your current target is interruptible.
* Touch of Death and Touch of Karma show their respective damage totals.
* Whirling Dragon Punch icon appears and glows if you can currently cast it. The icon shows the cooldown timer, and disappears if it is off cooldown. Swift Blackout Kick procs will also display glowing when available.
* Dynamic talent selection cooldown timers for Talent Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 5.
* Mark of the Crane stack indicator on the right-hand side of the Combo Breaker last hit tracker.
* Racial ability display for every race.
* Fixing Roll/Chi Torpedo charge indicator
* I plan on adding additional cooldowns, such as racials and defensives.
* Fixed an issue preventing the Serenity cooldown bar from displaying properly.
* Tidied up auras, added a HUD aura showing when WDP can be cast. Edited fonts, sizing, and textures for consistency.
* Added dynamic Chi bar depending on if you are using Ascension.
* Energy bar should now display colors accordingly.
* Added tooltip descriptions for clarity.