This Started off as an aura to track Curse of Tongues on Gladdy Frames & is now evolving into an "all in one" rogue/lock kit.
1) Tracks Curse of Tongues on Gladdy Frames.
2) Tracks Curse of Exhaustion on Gladdy Frames.
3) Alerts and displays whether a mage is using Molton Armor, if a warlock has no soul link or a priest is in shadowform on gladdy frames.
4) Displays a timer to the left of Gladdy frames that indicates when a target will become "safe to blind".
Note: "Safe to Blind" simply means the player on that arena frame doesn't have "Curse of Agony", "Immolate", "Corruption", "Siphon Life", "Rupture", "Garrote" or "Shadow Word: Pain". More spells can easily be added, created with lock/rogue in mind.
Note: Its supposed to anchor to your gladdy and inherit its scaling properties.