CD Bar: Demon Hunter Havoc

CD Bar: Demon Hunter Havoc


For this I did a Remake of Slootbag's Vengance CD Bar and made it for Havoc

all abilitys are made to change when you change talents.

The Fury bar i took from Spore(who copied from Asakawa) here on Wago

Left side Potion is not included you can get that from Slootbags Wa's.

Right Side personal cd's is and external Wa that was a remake of Slootbags Sigil bar.


See Also:

DHHP/FelRushCharges Circle

**You must make sure that Masque or Addonskin Manager in ELVUI is turned off for these specific auras otherwise it will create distorted images**

This is a collection of 95 auras:

ChaosBladesUP (icon)

ChaosBladesCD (icon)

ChaosBladesCDTimer (text)

ChaosBladesCDOverlay (progresstexture)

ChaosBladesBorder (texture)

Chaos BladesCDBorder (texture)

ChaosBladesGloss (texture)

FelBarrageUP (icon)

FelBarrageCD (icon)

FelBarrageCDTimer (text)

FelBarrageCDOverlay (progresstexture)

FelBarrageBorder (texture)

FelBarrageCDBorder (texture)

FelBarrageGloss (texture)

Demonic (icon)

DemonicBorder (texture)

DemonicGloss (texture)

ThrowGlaive (icon)

ThrowGlaiveCD (icon)

ThrowGlaiveCDTimer (text)

ThrowGlaiveCharges (text)

ThrowGlaiveCDOverlay (progresstexture)

ThrowGlaiveBorder (texture)

ThrowGlaiveCDBorder (texture)

ThrowGlaiveGloss (texture)

EyeBeam (icon)

EyeBeamCD (icon)

EyeBeamCDTimer (text)

EyeBeamCDOverlay (progresstexture)

EyeBeamBorder (texture)

EyeBeamCDBorder (texture)

EyeBeamGloss (texture)

BladeDance (icon)

BladeDanceCD (icon)

BladeDanceCDTimer (text)

BladeDanceCDOverlay (progresstexture)

BladeDanceBorder (texture)

BladeDanceCDBorder (texture)

BladeDanceGloss (texture)

FuryoftheIllidari (icon)

FuryoftheIllidariCD (icon)

FuryoftheIllidariCDTimer (text)

FuryoftheIllidariCDOverlay (progresstexture)

FuryoftheIllidariBorder (texture)

FuryoftheIllidariCDBorder (texture)

FuryoftheIllidariGloss (texture)

ChaosStrike (icon)

ChaosStrikeNotUsable (icon)

ChaosStrikeCDTimer (text)

ChaosStrikeCDOverlay (progresstexture)

ChaosStrikeBorder (texture)

ChaosStrikeCDBorder (texture)

ChaosStrikeGloss (texture)

Felblade (icon)

FelbladeCD (icon)

FelbladeCDTimer (text)

FelbladeCDOverlay (progresstexture)

FelbladeBorder (texture)

FelbladeCDBorder (texture)

FelbladeGloss (texture)

FelMastery (icon)

FelMasteryBorder (texture)

FelMasteryGloss (texture)

BlindFury (icon)

BlindFuryBorder (texture)

BlindFuryGloss (texture)

Nemesis (icon)

NemesisCD (icon)

NemesisCDTimer (text)

NemesisCDOverlay (progresstexture)

NemesisBorder (texture)

NemesisCDBorder (texture)

NemesisGloss (texture)

FelEruption (icon)

FelEruptionCD (icon)

FelEruptionCDTimer (text)

FelEruptionCDOverlay (progresstexture)

FelEruptionBorder (texture)

FelEruptionCDBorder (texture)

FelEruptionGloss (texture)

Momentum (icon)

MomentumBuffTimer (text)

MomentumBuffOverlay (progresstexture)

MomentumBorder (texture)

MomentumBuffBorder (texture)

MomentumGloss (texture)

Metamorphosis (icon)

Metamorphosis (CD) (icon)

Metamorphosis (CD Timer) (text)

Metamorphosis (CD Overlay) (progresstexture)

Metamorphosis (Border) (texture)

Metamorphosis (CD Border) (texture)

Metamorphosis (Gloss) (texture)

Fury Bar (aurabar)

Fury Text (text)