This aura is for reference.
It has 2 public functions:
aura_env.log_push(str) --adds the str to buffer
aura_env.log_flush(str) --prints buffer
Config options:
aura_env.log_config["ch"]="SAY" --chat you want to print it in ("SAY","RAID",…). If you set it to "" it wont print(usefull to only log in your window -Update2)
Update 1:
doesnt autoprint on full buffer anymore
replaces all "\n" with ";" --usually everything after \n is ignored by the chat
some bug fixes
Update 2:
added feature to log into a window (with icons and colored names) - it will be visible only to you
aura_env.log_config["frame"]=nil --intern variable, dont change
aura_env.log_config["frame_use"]=true --log into a window or not
aura_env.log_config["frame_name"]="wlog" --window name, if it cant be found, default window will be used
Update 3:
some bugfixes (shouldnt multiprint lines now)
added aura_env.log_config["timestamp"]=true --writes time since aura became initialized (fight_start)
Update 4:
timestamp in mm:ss format after fight start - needs ENCOUNTER_START trigger