This is a conglomeration I created by repurposing other peoples auras and adding my own functionality and adjusting positions to where I want them. This will track basically everything you want. In the future I want to add CC duration to repentance and fear undead as well as health potion tracking.
This tracks
Holy Shock
Crusader Strike
Bestow Faith
Hammer of Wrath
Rule of Law
Divine Favor
Infusion of Light
Lay on Hands
Divine Protection
Phial of Serenity
Divine Steed
Hand of Freedom
Divine Shield
Blessing of Protection
Aura Mastery
Blessing of Sacrafice
Avenging Wrath
Holy Avenger
Divine Toll
Hammer of Justice
Blinding Faith
Holy power
Divine Purpose
No devotion aura/ missing devotion aura and no concecration aura
no beacon of light
no beacon of faith