Class Hunter

Class Hunter


This is a collection of 78 auras:

Foca (aurabar)

Windburst (icon)

Windburst CD (icon)

Fury of the Eagle Up (icon)

Fury of the Eagle CD (icon)

Titan's Thunder Up (icon)

Titan's Thunder CD (icon)

Bestial Wrath Up (icon)

Bestial Wrath CD (icon)

Bestial Wrath Active (aurabar)

Aspect of the Wild Up (icon)

Aspect of the Wild CD (icon)

Aspect of the Wild Active (aurabar)

Turtle Active (icon)

Pet missing Hunt (icon)

Pet missing Hunt MM (icon)

Dire Longetivity Bar (aurabar)

Dire Longevity (aurabar)

Beast Cleave Active (aurabar)

Beast Cleave Down (icon)

Bullseye (icon)

Stampede Up (icon)

Stampede CD (icon)

Chimera Shot Up (icon)

Chimera Shot CD (icon)

Dire Beast Up (icon)

Dire Beast CD (icon)

Dire Frenzy Up (icon)

Dire Frenzy CD (icon)

Kill Command (icon)

Kill Command CD (icon)

Barrage (icon)

Barrage CD (icon)

Volley (icon)

Volley missing (icon)

Murder of Crows Up (icon)

Murder of Crows CD (icon)

Murder of Crows Up SV (icon)

Murder of Crows CD SV (icon)

TrueShot Up (icon)

TrueShot CD (icon)

TrueShot Active (aurabar)

Vulnerable Bar (aurabar)

Vulnerable (aurabar)

Steady Focus Down (icon)

Steady Focus Active (aurabar)

True Aim (icon)

Black Arrow (icon)

Black Arrow CD (icon)

Sidewinders (icon)

Sidewinders CD (icon)

Marked Targets (aurabar)

Explosive Shot Up (icon)

Explosive Shot CD (icon)

Piercing Shot Up (icon)

Piercing Shot CD (icon)

Sentinel Up (icon)

Sentinel CD (icon)

Aspect of the Eagle (icon)

Aspect of the Eagle CD (icon)

Aspect of the Eagle Active (aurabar)

Mok'Nathal Tactics Bar (aurabar)

Mok'Nathal Tactics (aurabar)

Mongoose Bite (icon)

Mongoose Bite CD (icon)

Mongoose Fury (aurabar)

Lacerate Bar (aurabar)

Lacerate (aurabar)

Dragonsfire Grenade (icon)

Dragonsfire Grenade CD (icon)

Flanking Strike Up (icon)

Flanking Strike CD (icon)

Explosive Trap Up (icon)

Explosive Trap CD (icon)

Butchery (icon)

Butchery CD (icon)

Snake Hunter (icon)

Snake Hunter CD (icon)