Classic Mob Abilities

Classic Mob Abilities


Shows dangerous abilities that mobs have at the top of the screen when you target them.

This is intended for people that play the game in hardcore mode, where if they die they delete their character. Knowing what dangerous abilities mobs have helps you to stay alive.

Types of abilities this Weakaura tracks:

-Call for help

-Extreme damage for their level


-Summons adds

-Horrifies (not fear)

-Spell reflect





A lot of the data was copy/pasted from Wowhead, but their database is not 100% correct. There are some mobs that have abilities that are not listed, and some abilities that are listed but the mobs don't actually have. I play tested this from 1 to 60 on Alliance and corrected any inaccuracies found.

Only mobs encountered while leveling to 60 are included. Does not include end game dungeons/raid mob abilities.

The "Call for help" ability has no data on Wowhead or any other source so this is data I collected myself from leveling 1 to 60. It is very likely I missed some mobs, especially for Horde quests.

The "Extreme damage" category is something I came up with myself. Basically any mob that did insane burst damage or 2-3x more damage on their auto attacks went in this list (the list is very small and includes several rare spawns). For example, Searing Ghouls in Western Plaguelands made this list.