Classic TBC Dungeon Auto Marker

Classic TBC Dungeon Auto Marker


Framework for automatically marking mobs in TBC dungeons. Currently only contains some dungeon information, but more will be added soon (or you can be add them by yourself in the custom options).

For each mob in the list, you can select either "no mark", "group 1" or "group 2" to be used as markers.

I've been using it to set kill / priority mobs in group 1, CC / interrupt mobs in group 2, and give the unimportant mobs no markers at all, but you can customize it however you prefer.

Nameplates must be visible for this weakaura to work!


- It will automatically mark every important interrupt/stun target once entering combat with them.

- It will also mark any important interrupt/stun target before entering combat with them by mouseovering their nameplate.

- You choose which marks it uses, but it will not replace placed marks on bosses/party/visible nameplates.

- It will never override a mark that has been placed, as long as it is on anyone in the party or that nameplate is visible.

- Configure which mob it should mark and which markers it should use in the 'Custom Options' tab.

- Place mobs in different "marking groups" and choose which markers should be used for each marking group.

Credit to Reloe for the work on the old Ghuun Marker which this is built from.

Credit to qweek for the work on the mythic+ Shadowlands version.