This is a little AddOn to add a Survival Aspect to the Game during leveling Content.
You need to keep an eye of the extra Bars!
There is a random Death factor if you should ignore the Bars hehe ;-)
The Rules:
- Don't get Money by AH or other Players
- You can only buy and refill your Food and Water up to 1 Stack of 10
- Always use your Cooking Skill to craft Food/Water first!
- If one Bar is empty you cant run anymore so you have to walk with RP-Walk.
- If you are died - its over try it again!
Because its just a weakaura i cant save values - so after each start/reload you have a little amount of Food and Water nothing else!
Its still in development and just tested it with items i got by playing a Character to Level 11.
Currently working spells:
Any bugs / feedback / suggestions:
Contact me: nmxsz#2843