Clean WindWalker WA

Clean WindWalker WA


This is a WeakAura to display Windwalker abilities!

Energybar at the bottom and Chibar in the middle

It displays possibilities to interrupt

Supports all talents

Feature List:

- Support of all Talents

- Displays all selected Talents(second row)

- Chi

- Energy

- Last used Ability

- CD of abilities

- Hit Combo stacks

- Spinning Jade Crane Kick damage stacks

- Calculating Fist of the White Tiger with Chi and Energy

- Marks Spear Hand Strike when Target is interruptible or when another unit is interruptible

- Changes between Chi Torpedo and Roll

- Changing Chi amount based on Ascension taken or not

- Storm, Earth, and Fire and Serenity are changing based on the active talent

Other Classes:

Affliction Warlock: