This is basically just a copy of updated for the Mythic Kael'thas Cloak of Flames DPS shield (preview images are copied from that page aswell).
Castle Nathria - Kael'thas - Cloak of Flames Speedometer
WA to get realtime, color-coded progress information on absorb shield damage (red / green is calculated based on remaining time / absorb value and DPS on absorb shield within the last second)
This is a collection of 3 auras:
CN-KT-CoF-CastProgress (progresstexture) -> Progress of cast (outer yellow ring)
CN-KT-CoF-AbsorbProgress (progresstexture) -> Color-coded progress on absorb shield dmg (inner area)
CN-KT-CoF-AbsorbAmount (text) -> Remaining value of absorb shield (center text) [currently not working]