[CLASSIC][RETAIL] Simple Combat Timer - with customisable alerts

[CLASSIC][RETAIL] Simple Combat Timer - with customisable alerts


Shows the time spent in combat and a simple (ish) interface for creating timed alerts at given times during the fight.

In the Load tab it is currently set to show In Combat, meaning that it will show for all fights (dummies, trash, etc.)

Add a Load Condition for the specific encounter ID if you want to make a setup for a specific fight. If you want to make different alerts for different fights then duplicate the Aura and make separate ones for each fight.

Alerts are set in the Custom Options tab.

I've exported with a couple of example alerts already set. Click "Reset to Defaults" at the bottom of the Custom Options tab to remove those and start afresh.

The "icon" setting requires a valid IconID (www.wowhead.com/icons) or texture path.

The sound that's used (when enabled on individual alerts) can be set in the Conditions Tab.

The growth direction can be set in the Group tab

It is, ultimately, just a Text type Aura and as such the font settings are all set as normal in the Display Tab.